Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Okay, so for those of you don't know, one of my favorite people in the entire world is Amy Sedaris. The woman is a genius. Although my first introduction to her was through Strangers With Candy (thanks, Heather!), true love happened when I read "I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence" - her awesome book on entertaining complete with an amazing section on stoner snacks.

So I just heard that she just came out with a book on crafting called, "Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People" and I need this book NOW. More importantly, I really need to find a way to get invited to Amy's (can I call her Amy?) craft club. I think I would make an excellent member. I have an extensive collection of trash I have been saving which I think she would be quite impressed with. Also, if invited, I will bring cheese balls and the fine, aged bottle of pisco (found in N's apartment - origins unkown) that has been sitting on my shelf for far too long. Does anyone have connections to this lady?

Watch this clip from the Today show - she's even more ridiculous than Hoda, in the best way possible:

"Ugly people craft and attractive people have sex."

Friday, October 8, 2010

This is what we made.

Alright, here it is folks. For craft night N and I picked up NYC postcards which we forced people to make purty. Then we mixed them up and sent them out to everyone so that they received a different one than the one they made. Damn, our friends have talent!

This card got cut off, it says "Lori Hamrock and Heidi Blair are overly excited about their salad."

Back to work for this guy.

G-face is real good with the 80's yearbooks.

Requisite flatulence reference.

I can't even describe what B wrote on the back of this card. It was funny.

3-d with popcorn - amazing.

Apocalypse bunny.

thanks everyone for indulging me!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Craft Night!

This Friday!!! So excited!! Procrastinating from this stupid research proposal by posting this meaningless post!! yay!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Found pictures of random people

So, as promised, here are some of my finds from SCRAP. They had plastic bags full of people's long lost photographs that were sealed with labels on the outside hinting at the theme of the secret photos inside. I grabbed a bag labeled "people" and opening it up was like being a kid on christmas morning, when the best part of ripping open gifts is the anticipation (or so I imagine - we only celebrated Christmas one year and it's a dirty family secret). Inside, it seems like some of the photos came from the same roll, or at least the same family. One man in particular reoccurs - he seems like a friendly kind of guy - sort of has a Ditka look going on....there's one slightly disturbing picture where it seems like people are applauding as he takes off (puts on?) his pants? So collages involving Ditka Dad to come...any ideas for the background story?

Thursday, September 2, 2010


So we have arrived in Portland, and as a guy I met here explains: everyone in New York totally worships Portland's ass - the NY times can't stop producing gushing write-ups and ny'ers wish they lived in Portland...besides the 9 months of grey which I think would really bring me down, I definitely see how people fall in love. Bikes everywhere, delicious (and affordable!) food and drinks, beautiful nature, and lots of creativity everywhere! My awesome friend (aren't they all?) Alicia has these amazing graphics hanging on the wall of her house which she got at a place that sounds like the exact description of my idea of heaven - a magical warehouse where you can get all kinds of found, collected, donated craft supplies (aka one man's junk) for real cheap. It's called scrap: and we passed by it today on a walk in our temp. neighborhood. It was closed but I got to peek in....amazing! We're gonna stop by tomorrow, so hopefully I'll have some finds to share...

Friday, August 27, 2010

We Come From Monkeys - page 3

Okay so my scanner is kind of bootleg and I can't fit a whole 2 page spread, so I'll have to do this in 2 parts - just know that this page and page 4 go together. This one definitely doesn't look done, but I'm not sure what to add - any ideas? (That's for my mom, because I'm pretty sure she's the only one who looks at this).

magazine cutouts, claro.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

WCFM - page 2

We Come From Monkeys - page 1

I started this book about 14 years ago, sometime around the magical summer of '96. It's a collage book about animals and humans and the real and imagined relationships between the two. Fast forward to 2009 when my friend Claire introduced me to the (now defunct) amazing open studio nights at booklyn, a bookmaking studio in Greenpoint. I made a book with blank pages, and in looking for something to fill it up, stumbled upon the front and back covers of a book I had started at socialist summer camp entitled, "We Come From Monkeys". It is my goal to finally finish this book once and for all. This is the first page - I'm waiting to do the cover and the intro page until I finish the book, so that will come one day soon I hope. One of the joys of being a pack rat is that my projects can get drawn out forever...

Magazine cuts outs, watercolor pencils.